Have you ever gotten tired of wrapping chain around a tee post, hooking to your tractor bucket, and watching the chain slide up the post when you raise the bucket to pull the post? I did, so I researched pullets and in my aversion to waiting for one to ship, I made one.
The concept is simpler than my process wound up being. I had an old bushhog blade--very thick--with a hole almost perfectly sized to slide down a tee post. I used my angle grinder to make a notch for back of the tee post. I had a friend put a bend in it with his forge (to maximize pinch on the post while it is pulled straight up). I welded a loop of chain to it for the chain on my bucket to attach to.
This worked great to pull a row of posts along one side of a 15 acre field. Then I hooked its chain loop to the hook on my bucket and went bush hogging, during which it leaped off the hook and hid itself somewhere on the 15 acres. Since enough time had elapsed I couldn't remember how much I had saved building my own, I reaearched again and found it was $17-25.
The tool worked well, so if you have several posts to pull I recommend one. But just get one from online and don't put it where you can lose it!